It's not just boom boom boom. They're telling me something here. Something I can dance to and learn from.
I can see house music becoming universal one day.
It'll just take time for people to receive it." Robert Owens - 1988

dijous, 27 d’octubre del 2011


Loving you (vinenzo's clasic club mix) - Smurf & Perry

Loving you
is all I do
Thinking your face
Every day.

dilluns, 24 d’octubre del 2011

Amb tu surt el Sol

Sun Rising Up (2005) - Deux

Life has been fading into grey
All over my place
All over my heart
All over my life

No sign is showing me a way out
Or telling my soul
How to get out this neverending hole of darkness
Surrounding my life

The absence of the tear has been the only moment of happiness I’ve ever had
Could not believe in me

Believe how to see how many things I had to give
Even to myself

I was waiting for nothing
For no one
For the end

Before you came and showed me the reason why
You can run like a rose of bright light and shining stars
Riding rose of silver horses
You can sail through oceans of love
Slide through cascades of rainbows
Be blinded by sparkling diamonds

You’re the reason why there’s always food at my place
You’re the reason the sun rising up the people when it stopped the night
You’re the reason why I think I’m falling in love

Sun rising up
But it stopped the night
I think I’m falling in love
Oh oh oh oh

I was waiting for nothing
For no one
For the end

Sun rising up the people when it stopped the night

Sun rising up
But it stopped the night
I think I’m falling in love
(I think I’m falling in love)
Oh oh oh oh

dijous, 20 d’octubre del 2011

Grup de House a Mixcloud

Mixcloud a afegit una nova secció a la seves utilitats: el grups. I evidentment no s'ha trigat a crear el grup de House on es poden escoltar i compartir molt bones sessions i tonades.

dijous, 13 d’octubre del 2011

No tinguis por de la foscor

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (Junior Vasquez remix) - Charlotte

I wanna know you better
but I feel like you're weary of me
let us discover each other
cuz I want your company
my only hidden agenda
is I want you next to me
I promise that I'll be tender
as tender as I can be

don't be afraid of the dark
cuz I'm not here to play with your heart
and there's nothing more to me
that you can see

drop all your inhibitions
cuz I need expression from you
just give youself permission
for what we're about to do
i know what your body senses
there's nothing to say don't speak
and if i can find your weakness
would you do the same for me

dilluns, 10 d’octubre del 2011

David Penn

David Penn és un DJ madrileny que forma part del moviment Iberican Sound i responsable d'Urbana Records.

El vaig sentir per primera vegada aquest estiu passat (2011) al Chic Deluxe. Per mi va ser una molt grata experiència, escoltant house punter i molt ben executat: una de les 5 millors sessions que he sentit mai. Tant em va agrada que aprofitant que estava a Donosti el cap de setmana següent també el vaig anar a escoltar a Bataplan (una gran discoteca, per cert!).

Per mi un dels grans DJ de l'escena mundial actual.

De tant en tant en David Penn penja una sessió al Soundclound. Val la pena escoltar-lo.
David Penn October Promo Mix by David Penn

divendres, 7 d’octubre del 2011

Your Move

Your Move (Kaiserdisco Remix) - Martin Eyerer feat. Kosheen

You're in for a show
No less no more
Your lies your truth
Your turn your move
Your love inside
Your voice your smile
Your touch is one
We just begun
In all this extortion
The spirit contorts
And they stop you
Before you begin
If i was before you
If you were in my shoes
Its over before you give in.