It's not just boom boom boom. They're telling me something here. Something I can dance to and learn from.
I can see house music becoming universal one day.
It'll just take time for people to receive it." Robert Owens - 1988

divendres, 10 d’octubre del 2014


Baixos filtrats, ritme enganxós, melodia elegant...aquesta cançó té tot lo que ha de tenir un bon Deep House per atrapart-te

Baby, I'm wasted...all I wanna do is drive home to you.
Baby, I'm faded...all I wanna do is take you down town.

dijous, 15 de novembre del 2012

Un idioma estranger

Funky-disco-joquésé-house que m'encanta! Swimsuit, swimsuit everywhere! :D


You know I used to be alright,
When you woke me in the morning, waiting for the sun to shine,
And do the two-step all night,
Then you'd spin me round and catch me, laughing as the sun would rise.

Oh I don't know what to do,
You speak a foreign language, what you've put me through,
The enemies, I know you're hiding one or two,
But I just can't say no to you

So I can't let you go
When you won't let me know
I can't let you go
When you won't say.
I can't let you go
When you won't let me know
I can't let you go while
I slip away

Boy it's just a puzzle and the pieces they are scattered on the floor,
It's a silly little game and the sentences are scribbled on the wall,
You think you have the time to wash off all the ugly lies,
But the bottom of the matter is it takes up all your time.
Takes up all your time.

Oh I don't know what to do,
You speak a foreign language, what you've put me through,
The enemies, I know you're hiding one or two,
But I just can't say no to you.

So I can't let you go
When you won't let me know
I can't let you go
When you won't say.
I can't let you go
When you won't let me know
I can't let you go while
I slip away.

Never ending stories lead me to the door,
Then I wait alone just like I did before,
Another mystery is laying down the rhyme,
It seems you are distracted and you'll never have the time.

So I can't let you go
When you won't let me know
I can't let you go
When you won't say
I can't let you go
When you won't let me know
I can't let you go while
I slip away

dijous, 11 d’octubre del 2012

Hi ha esperança

There is hope in this live.
There is fear in these eyes.
And I believe we can fly, 
Through the hole in the sky.

 Cançó perfecte per acabar una sessió o per ben entrada la nit, però amb ganes de continuar-la. M'encanta!

dilluns, 1 d’octubre del 2012

L'essència del house

Vaig conèixer en Curtis Randles en els meus viatges a Eivissa allà cap al principi dels 2000. Cada tarda acabàvem el dia i començàvem la nit als Sunset cafès de San Antoni. Un d'aquests era el Kanya, amb la seva piscina i els seus natxos amb formatge ens van atreure, però el que ens va conquerir fou la menestralia que en Curtis exhibia darrera els plats: recordo especialment una tarda que va clavar el ritme del down tempo amb l'últim raig de Sol, i un calfred d'emoció ens va recorre la pell.
En Curtis venia CD de les seves sessions al Kanya, i és clar cada any acabàvem amb 3 o 4 dels seus. No se com, vam recuperar el contacte a través de la xarxa. La veritat és que no sé si em recorda, però jo sí el tinc ben present. No debades, m'ha fet passar algunes de les millors tardes de la meva vida.

Ara segueixo la seva feina com a DJ a través de mixclound. Com exemple de la seva classe, us deixo una sessió dedicada al (que jo considero) autèntic house: bases contundents, funky, soul i en Jack!

Espero que en gaudiu tant com jo!

Curtis, keep up the good work!

dijous, 20 de setembre del 2012

Copyright ft Tasita D'Mour 'You Got Me'

Per mi una de les millors d'aquest estiu!

Aquí en teniu un tast.
"You got me high, you got me low, you got me deeper than you know (you got me)!"

dimarts, 21 d’agost del 2012

Algú que coneixia...

M'encanta aquesta cançó de Gotye!

Sí, ens la trobem fins a la sopa però és per què és bona!

I aquí faig un recull d'algunes remescles house que he trobat a la xarxa i m'han agradat.

1. La base com de "xilòfon" m'agrada - Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know ( House Remix Pier.k)

2. Un punt tribal - Somebody that I used to know - Gotye (Swatt Remix)

3. I un recull prou interessant fet per algú altri - THE 10 BEST REMIXES OF GOTYE’S “SOMEBODY THAT I USED TO KNOW”

A gaudir!

divendres, 16 de desembre del 2011

Per fi...

Finally (East & Young Remix) - Kings Of Tomorrow

Era l'any 2000 quan Sandy Rivera sota el pseudònim de Kings of Tomorrow (pensat per fer cançons més radiofòniques) publicava "Finally" en el seu àlbum "It's in the Lifestyle", amb la sensual veu de Julie McKnight.

Per mi un clàssic instantani, ha estat remixat en múltiples ocasions (a l'Spotify hi trobo 22 remixos), destacant-ne els tres de Danny Tenaglia i aquest que penjo en el present apunt: publicat el juny de 2011 per Defected, i demostrant que més d'una dècada després aquesta genial tonada encara està en forma!

Time marches on never ending,
time keeps its own time,
Here we stand at beginning,
and then goes passing us by,
And I, I, I can dream for us all,
I hope I'm in a better state,
When here and now crumbles and falls
and you, you , you who make worlds collide
I knew you'd come knocking one day,
unannounced like a thief in the night.

Where do we go from here,
time ain't nothing but time,
I now have no fear of my fears
And no more tears to cry,
tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow means nothing at all
If we don't hear the line,
when today places its call, and morning, morning, morning
Won't ever be the same,
now I won't make the same mistakes, time and time again (5x)

So tell me how do you do
Finally I meet you
You don't know what I've been through,
waiting and wondering about you
I had a dream my trip would end at you,
and now I know paradise.

1st verse again flipped

Chorus (2x)